
Now In Common

A few years ago, I decided to quit working for Greenpeace and put my focus on music. It was a tricky choice, though. The dedicated me as eco-activist wasn`t happy. It seemed strange to quit working for `the change we need in this world` and make music. On the other hand, it has always been music that has given me hope and the energy to be committed. With the first album, I took a journey to my introspective cosmos and faced my insecurities.

Since then, my little world has changed a lot: I am more confident about what I do and I have become a father of two children. But the world in which we live is off kilter: Rising inequality, hyper-individualism including isolation and emotional blunting, xenophobia with a renaissance of borders and – more importantly - ecological ramifications like global warming, the melting of shelf ice and glaciers and the extinctions of species. The downside of our growth-oriented economy is devastating and widely visible, but seems to be accepted as `collateral damage` of a system without alternatives.

But it is not true. There are alternatives. We are much more than just consumers. We are humans! We all have emotional, social and common needs and powers in us. We all share time, things and knowledge. We need recognition and we care for others. And we want a future for all living beings on our planet. So isn`t it about time to put these principles front and center to conquer the impending challenges together? Music as a catalyst can tease out these inner needs, create connections and give us the confidence and power to be part of this change we really do need in this world.

Here are some networks that inspire and seem important to me:

climate justice now
SOS Mediterranee
The Representation Project
Extinction Rebellion
Commons Network
Public Eye
Sum Of Us
Adopt A Revolution
Transition Network



Now In Common (2019)

Now In Common (2019)

In Love With The Blackbird

In Love With The Blackbird